Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Kitten Bowl

Having a Super Bowl Party?

   We all love being at a Super Bowl Party, even if you don't like football too much! It's winter, it's cold and it adds some fun to cheer everyone up. Well, almost everyone .....

Never Mock a Cat!

   The Blizzard presented people with the opportunity to show off their artistic talent making things out of snow. Many yards have snowmen, igloos, snow forts and such. Then this .....

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Friday, January 23, 2015

The Power of Google!

   The information age is a wonderful thing, and we often make discoveries about ourselves and the world around us while Googling. Now, with "Paw Friendly" Touch Screens, it is easier than ever for our Cats to go online ...

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Keepin' It Real!

   Cats and Plants - can you use both in one sentence without using spicy language?

The Secret to Dog Photography!

   Did you ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes to get that perfect photo? It may take a good bit to get a baby to smile or an entire family to look at the camera!
   You may think that Canine Photography is easy because Dogs listen to their owners so well, while Cats prefer to make their own choices.Below is a glimpse into how professionals get the perfect photos of pet parent's Dogs!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Your Zombie Apocalypse Solution!

   Whether you stay up nights worrying about a Zombie Apocalypse or sleep like a baby and don't give it a thought, you will still agree that Persian Cats would be your secret weapon!

Monday, January 19, 2015

A Little Christmas Cheer in January!

   Did you hear the muffled sounds of Christmas Carols a few weeks back that strangely disappeared each time that you entered the room? We found out just what happened!

Do you still waste your time walking?

   We all know that Cats are fast, but now with the help of superior photography equipment, we have learned how they really do it!

2 Left, then 1 Right!

   Remember the Rubik's Cube? Did you ever solve it? No, I didn't think so! That's because they were originally designed for Cats!

Glad You had Your Camera?

   Sometimes, life happens and you either capture it or have to remember it! 

How about a Cat Wedding!

   Looking forward to that big day but not sure what kind of theme to use? How about a Klassy Kitty Wedding!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Don't Leave Home without It!

   In addition to being able to get really good parking spaces, you can drive in H.O.V. lanes too!

The Cat Did It!

   Cats know a lot more about what goes on than you might think. Did you ever have anything unusual happen without explanation, and then your cat is the only one that is noticeably absent?

So You Want to be a Crazy Cat Lady ....

   So you want to become a Crazy Old Cat Lady, but you don't know where to begin. Finally, through the miracle of the internet, you can now get a Cat Lady Starter Kit shipped tight to your door!